- Lack of lock maintenance. The locks that you have on your front door and elsewhere throughout your property (for instance, the patio, garage, file cabinets, etc.) need to be maintained. Even ones that come from the most reputable brands in the world like Schlage, Kwikset, Mul-T-Lock, ASSA and Arrow will still eventually start to have problems. In a place like Buckeye, AZ, it gets very hot. Over time, locks can become rusted because of weather, age and wear and tear. Having locks looked at by an expert can help prevent them from malfunctioning. Perhaps you have a vacation to Florida coming up, and you have a trusted neighbor who will be taking care of your cats. What are they supposed to do if your lock malfunctions and they can’t get into your home? Will they have time to sit around and wait for a locksmith to show up? It is best to have these things taken care of at a more convenient time. Call a professional to come to do an inspection to ensure you don’t end up with problematic locks.
- You’ve had a break-in. If your property was broken into, perhaps when you weren’t home, there was some sort of issue that indicated to the burglar that it was okay to come in. Maybe they were positive no one was home. Or perhaps they realized that you had rusted locks or ones that weren’t working properly. The first step is to have your locks replaced. Rekeying just isn’t good enough, because who can say for sure that the criminal who came into your property didn’t manage to get a copy of your key? Your lock might also have been destroyed completely. You need better security if your property has been broken into. You could consider having a camera system set up if you don’t have one already, too. These are fairly easy for a professional to install.
- You travel frequently. If you are not home often, people who want to burglarize your property could be watching to see when you are there and when you are not. Steps you can take include having a camera system installed, having deadbolts put into place, locks on your garage, locks on your patio and anywhere else on your property that a professional deems appropriate. You could also leave a trusted neighbor with a copy of your key so that they can go in and out, making it look like someone is regularly there.
- You have small children at home. If you own a weapon or very important items that you wouldn’t want your toddler to get their hands on, then you need better security in the form of a safe. Safe installation is a service that most local locksmiths will provide, and they can help you out tremendously not only by providing a means to store important items, but they can help you to stay better organized, as you will always know where to find these items.
- You are a business that has employees. When you have employees working for you, you have liability. You want to keep them as safe as possible but you also want to avoid employee theft. Internal loss prevention is a huge topic that needs to be considered. If you have security cameras installed, you can monitor what your staff is doing. If you have cabinet locks, a safe and drawer locks, you can ensure that your most important items stay only in your possession.
- You have nice, expensive items. Perhaps you have worked hard for years and decided to reward yourself with a brand new boat. Or maybe you enjoy jet-skis, kayaks, four wheelers, or even just fancy gaming systems. If these items are sitting in your garage, then people can see in any time your garage door opens. Therefore, it is important to have adequate security solutions in place, such as garage locks. A thief will make note of properties that have high-end items. If you are able to keep these things properly locked up, you can avoid potential loss.

Article source here: 6 Signs You Need Better Security